Are you tired of typical air fresheners for your car? Gyeon's got you! The long-awaited Q²M Scents are now available!
The Gyeon team selected the most recognisable scents from their hit products and created interior fragrances you can use in two different ways: spray them once on the floor mat or on the included hangers, and enjoy a nice Gyeon flavour in your interior.
Each scent is sold as a bundle with 3 unique designed hangers. That allows everyone to choose their favourite Gyeon design and use the fragrance in more than one car.
There are 4 different scents available:
Silver Fresh: refreshing, subtle, smells a lot like Q²M Prep or Q²M Cure
Black Night: strong, heavy, reminding of a classic cologne water
Citrus Fresh: fresh, citrus-based
Light Blue: delicate, mild, fitting every interior, but outstanding in vehicles finished with a high leather upholstery
#GYEONize your interior!
Bukit Batik Crescent 1
Singapur, 658064
Vietorstr. 87
Köln, Deutschland, 51103

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