Choose Glaco Q, the easiest-to-apply and most versatile invisible windshield wiper on the market! It works in two ways: thoroughly cleaning and preparing your car's windows while safeguarding them with a protective, highly hydrophobic coating. Glaco Q's unique 2-in-1 formula, containing both a composite cleaner and a hydrophobic coating, makes it one of Soft99's most user-friendly products!
Glaco Q leaves a smooth protective layer that repels not only water but also dirt, dust, and other contaminants. The invisible wiper effect starts at just 45 km/h, making "The Q" perfect for city driving!
The white color of the product aids in polishing, and the unique shape of the applicator assists in working in the corners of the windows.
Wiebestraße 36-37
Berlin, Deutschland, 10553
- Scheibe von grobem Schmutz befreien
- Mit Wasser abspülen, bestenfalls mit Glasreiniger bearbeiten
- Behälter schütteln
- Verschlussmutter öffnen
- Glaco Q auf der Scheibe verteilen
- 5-10 Minuten antrocknen lassen
- mit feuchtem (nicht nassem) Tuch rückstandslos auspolieren
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