Lacquered wheels smell like vanilla. Don't believe it? Nuke is the only wheel cleaner on the market that truly cleans wheels 100%. Only through this performance will the original vanilla scent of your wheels emerge. Test it yourself!
Nuke by Wizard of Gloss is one of the most effective pH-neutral wheel cleaners. This product is specifically designed to thoroughly clean all types of wheels without attacking the surface.
The ingredients of NUKE react with deposits like iron fallout, brake dust, or inorganic substances, leaving a perfect finish.
WIZARD OF GLOSS introduces NUKE as the first wheel cleaner that neutralizes the unpleasant odor while allowing the included surfactants and cleaning agents to perform at their full potential. Unlike conventional wheel cleaners with color-changing indicators, NUKE's special gel formulation adheres to the surface for an extended time. WIZARD OF GLOSS NUKE is pH-neutral, making it suitable for glossy and polished wheels. The color change to purple demonstrates how much accumulated dirt is dissolved and what this wheel cleaner achieves in a short time.
Nuke is also applicable to painted surfaces, Plasti-Dip, powder-coated, and highly polished wheels.
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